May 2020

In May 2020:

The world is still moving at a strange pace.

She updates her cirriculum vitae.*

She finishes writing a memoir.

She unearths a blog-like thing from what seems to be decades ago — which is, really, oceans away — and adds new pieces to it.

(She awaits the stars.)

* They say it is the course of life,
but what is a course but drips of time pooling
into an existence forgotten, at times, by the one who inhabits it —
the archive, for those who attempt a journey within it,will have a narrative.

Come back in a month or two. This place is changing like sand.

When the northern islands start to welcome visitors again, I want to take a ferry, dig my toes in the silt, and nap in the nape of the dunes.

She writes this in the Netherlands, signing:

May you be safe.

Truly & Yours

(And they do rise.)
